

Property Name: Grand Husseini Mosque
Inventory No:
Date of infill of the inventory form:
Country (State party): Jordan
Province: Amman
Geographic coordinates: 31° 57′ 40.24″ N
35° 54′ 46.5″ E
Historic Period: 640 AD & 20th century 1st half
Year of Construction: 640 AD- 1921
Style: Ottoman
Original Use: Mosque
Current Use: Mosque
Architect: Unknown

The old building of the Husseini Great Masjid due to the reign of AL-CALIPH OMAR BIN AL-KHATTAB and in the new era of the umayyad period. The recent masjid was built on the old site of the the old masjid as Al Husseini Masjid, by order of the King Abdullah bin Al Hussein. 1341 AH.-1921 AD. The masjid was restored, expanded and decorated in the era of King Hussein Bin Talal, King of the Jordan in 1408 AH – 1987 AD

Selection Criteria
vi. to be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance

State of Preservation
This Ottoman style mosque was rebuilt using striking pink-and-white stone in 1921 by the late King Abdullah I on the site of an ancient mosque built originally in 640 AD by Omar Ibn al-Khattab. The historic mosque went through phases of reconstruction. In 1987 mosque was expanded and restored. In 2019, some part and library burned.

Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and Holy Places Greater Amman Awqaf Directorate