

Property Name: Fatih Mosque
Inventory No: 90-212-16
Date of infill of the inventory form: 2008-03-31
Country (State party): Turkey
Province: İstanbul (Europe)
Town: Fatih
Geographic coordinates: 41° 1′ 10.62″ N
28° 56′ 59.38″ E
Historic Period: Ottoman between 1579-1792
Year of Construction: 1463-1470, rebuilt 1766-1771
Style: Early Ottoman
Original Use: Religious
Current Use: Mosque
Architect: Architect Atik Sinan

The Fatih Complex is the first imperial establishment after the conquest of the new Ottoman capital, Istanbul. The site of the Holy Apostles Church on the fourth hill of the city was chosen for the construction of the complex. The arrangement of buildings upon a well organized, orthogonal site plan was a novelty for Ottoman architecture. The Fatih Mosque had a large dome accompanied by a semidome in the qibla direction, a composition which derived from Hagia Sophia and was remodeled for Ottoman architecture. The mosque was lavishly decorated with glazed tiles and colored marbles. The earthquake of 1766 caused great damage to the mosque; it collapsed and had to be rebuilt. The 18th century renovation has a different form; the main dome was supported by 4 piers and is surrounded by 4 semi-domes instead of the single one in the 15th century design.

Selection Criteria
iii. to bear a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or to a civilization which is living or which has disappeared
iv. to be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history

State of Preservation
Since the Fatih Mosque was renovated in 1771 after the earthquake of 1766, what survived from the fifteenth century structure are the courtyard, the muqarnas portal at the entrance to the mosque, the mihrab and the lower parts of the minarets which were preserved carefully and blended well with the old parts. A sultan lodge accessible by a ramp was an addition of the 18th century renovation and the second balconies of the minarets were added in the 19th century.
The Fatih Mosque is going under intensive repair since 2007. Concrete injection is applied to the foundations of the mosque and the inside of the mosque is being restored extensively due to the structural problems like cracks on the domes.

Architectural Guide to Istanbul, Chamber of Architects of Turkey, Istanbul, 2005.
Ayverdi, E.H., A.Yüksel, İlk 250 Senenin Osmanlı Mimarisi, Baha Printhouse, İstanbul, 1976.
Ayverdi E.H., Osmanlı Mimarisinde Fatih Devri,Volumes III-IV, Baha Printhouse, İstanbul, 1974.
Ayverdi, E.H., Fatih Devri Mimarisi, İstanbul Printhouse, İstanbul, 1953.