

Property Name: Ahmadiyya Mosque, Jami al-Ahmadiyya
Inventory No: 964-1-3
Date of infill of the inventory form: 2007-11-27
Country (State party): Iraq
Province: Baghdad
Town: Baghdad, Al-Rusafah
Geographic coordinates: 33.35, 44.4166666666667
Historic Period: Ottoman between 1579-1792
Year of Construction: 1780
Original Use: Mosque
Current Use: Mosque
Architect: Unknown

The mosque is located at the Maydan Square, in al-Rusafah, which had once been the city center. It is an example of Ottoman architecture in Baghdad.

Selection Criteria
vi. to be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance

State of Preservation
The mosque was built by Ahmad Pasha al-Katkhadha, the vice of the Mamluk ruler Sulayman Pasha the Great. The minaret was later added by his brother Abdullah Buk along with the madrasa. The wall of the mosque is painted with inscriptions of the Qur’anic verses, which was written by the calligrapher Sufyan al-Wahbi in 1850. The mosque was restored in 2010.

Strika V., Khalil J. 1987. The Islamic Architecture of Baghdad. Napoli: Instituto Universitario Orientale.
Uluçam, Abdüsselam. Irak’taki Türk Mimari Eserleri. Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı, 1989. (Uluçam, Abdüsselam. Turkish Architectural Monuments in Iraq. Ankara: Ministry of Culture, 1989.)
Yusuf, Sharif. 1982. Tarikh Fann al-Iimarah al-Iraqiyah fi Mukhtalaf al-Usur. Silsilah al-Fanniyah, Wizarat al-Thaqafah wa-al-Ilam, Iraq.

Archnet website: (Retrieved on November, 2007)