Property Name: Mausoleum of Al Khakim At-Termizi
Inventory No: 998-762-2
Date of infill of the inventory form: 2009-08-19
Country (State party): Uzbekistan
Province: Termez
Geographic coordinates: 37° 15′ 57.34″ N
67° 11′ 21.19″ E
Historic Period: 10th century, 2nd half
Year of Construction:
Original Use: Mausoleum
Current Use: Mausoleum
Architect: Unknown
The building is the mausoleum of Khakim At-Termizi who was a well-known theologian of the 9th century. The entrance of the brick building was decorated with carved ganch. According to the inscription on the portal of the mausoleum, a new mausoleum that was smaller in size was built in 1389-1390. In the 12th century, a memorial mosque crowned with three domes was constructed on the north. On the east-west axis of the mausoleum, a house was erected for wanderers and dervishes at the beginning of the 14th century.
Selection Criteria
vi. to be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance
State of Preservation
The monument is well-preserved.
M.Bloom, Jonathan; S.Blair, Sheila. Islamic art and Architecture, Vol 2: Delhi-Mosque, Oxford University Press, New York, p289- 290, 2009