Property Name: Bahram Shah Minaret
Inventory No: 93-31-1
Date of infill of the inventory form: 2008-06-19
Country (State party): Afghanistan
Province: Ghazni
Geographic coordinates: 33° 33′ 58″ N
68° 25′ 55″ E
Historic Period: 12th century, 1st half
Year of Construction: 1118-1152
Style: Ghaznavid
Original Use : Minaret
Current Use : Minaret
Architect: Unknown.
Commissioned by the last sultan of the dynasty, Bahram Shah, the minaret is thought to be part of a mosque. It is constructed of brick and its decoration is composed of geometric and floral motifs and epigraphic friezes in square Kufic and Naskh scripts.
Selection Criteria
vi. to be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance
State of Preservation
The monument is in a bad condition. Especially the decoration works need urgent attention. This structure has suffered a lot of damage since the Ghaznavid period and has been neglected. Today, it is far from the old state.