

Property Name: Biščević-Lakišić house
Inventory No: 387-36-4
Date of infill of the inventory form: 2007-12-28
Country (State party): Bosnia and Herzegovina
Province : Hercegovina-Neretva Canton
Town: Mostar
Geographic coordinates: 43° 20′ 25.57″ N
17° 48′ 46.12″ E
Historic Period: Ottoman between 1579-1792
Year of Construction: 16 -18th century
Style: Late Ottoman
Original Use : Residential
Current Use : Residential, Museum
Architect: Unknown

This several-level courtyard dwelling is the most important Bosnian Ottoman residential complex in Mostar. A powerful site, the strong textures of local wood and stone construction, and the transformation of domestic spaces to suit a hot arid climate are the characteristics which distinguish the traditional residential architecture of Mostar: all of these concerns are found in this housing complex.

Selection Criteria
iv. to be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history

State of Preservation
The building complex is in the good condition after reconstruction of the southern part (belongs to the Lakišić family) was reconstructed in 2001.

Pašić, Amir, Prilog proučavanja islamskog stambenog graditeljstva u Jugoslaviji na primjeru Mostara, Koliko je stara stambena arhitektura Mostara autohtona pojava (Contribution to the study of Islamic residential architecture in Yugoslavia on the example of Mostar, To what extent is the old residential architecture of Mostar an indigenous phenomenon), doctoral thesis, Zagreb, 1989.