

Property Name: Gazi Husrev-Beg mosque
Inventory No: 387-33-3
Date of infill of the inventory form: 2008-06-17
Country (State party): Bosnia and Herzegovina
Province: Sarajevo Canton
Town: Sarajevo
Geographic coordinates: 43° 51′ 32.93″ N
18° 25′ 45.8″ E
Historic Period: Classic Ottoman (1453-1579)
Year of Construction: 1530
Style: Classical Ottoman
Original Use: Mosque, Complex
Current Use: Mosque
Architect: Unknown

Gazi Husrev-bey mosque is one of the main Ottoman complex in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Selection Criteria
ii. to exhibit an important interchange of human values, over a span of time or within a cultural area of the world, on developments in architecture or technology, monumental arts, town-planning or landscape design

State of Preservation
The first restoration on the mosque was done 1755, the interior of the mosque was restored – wall paintings. After that 1772-renovation of the old fountain (šadrvan). 1886 interior refurbishment of the mosque (painting) after the 1879 fire. The Austro-Hungarians stripped the old plaster off the walls, replastered them and repainted the mosque. This decoration survived until the 1992-1995 war. 1898 the building was wired for electric lighting. 2001/2002 conservation and restoration works in and around the mosque was done.
Following the latest work property is in the good condition. After the last restoration, some minor works were done in the Mosque. Today, this Mosque is open to worship and to preserve its existence.

Ayverdi Ekrem Hakki, Ottoman architectural monuments in Europe, Yugoslavia II 3. book; (Avrupa’da Osmanli Mimari Eserler Yugoslavya II, 3.kitap); Istanbul, 2000.
The architectural ensemble of the Gazi Husref-bey (Bey’s) mosque in Sarajevo; Commission to Preserve National Monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo 2006.