

Property Name: Ashad Pasha Khan, Khan Asad Pasha al Azem
Inventory No: 963-11-6
Date of infill of the inventory form: 2007-11-05
Country (State party): Syria
Province: Damascus
Geographic coordinates: 33° 30′ 41″ N
36° 18′ 23″ E
Historic Period: Ottoman between 1579-1792
Year of Construction: 1752-1753
Style: Late Ottoman
Original Use: Khan
Current Use: Khan
Architect: Unknown

Ashad Pasha Khan is one of the most famous typical khans of the Old City of Damascus. It is situated in the center of the business area.

Selection Criteria
ii. to exhibit an important interchange of human values, over a span of time or within a cultural area of the world, on developments in architecture or technology, monumental arts, town-planning, or landscape design.

State of Preservation
Ashad Pasha Khan was used as a storage space in the center of the commercial area. It was destroyed by the earthquake after 7 years it had finished. The Syrian Department of Museums and Antiquities found its function incompatible with and destructive to its architectural features. Then it was restored in 1990.

Burns, Ross. Monuments of Syria: an historical guide. London; New York: I.B. Tauris Publishers, 1999.
Degeorge, Gérard. Syrie: art-histoire-architecture. Paris: Hermann, 1994.
Sauvaget, Jean, Les Monuments historiques de Damas, Beirut, 1932.
Archnet Web Site:
Ministry of Tourism of Syria Web Site: