

Property Name: Masjid Abu Bakr
Inventory No: 966-4-6
Date of infill of the inventory form: 2010-05-22
Country (State party): Saudi Arabia
Province: Madinah
Town: Madinah
Geographic coordinates: 24° 27′ 58″ N
39° 36′ 23″ E
Historic Period: Early Islamic (until 660)
Year of Construction: 627
Style: Early Ottoman
Original Use: Masjid
Current Use: Masjid
Architect: Unknown


It is considered one of the most important historical mosques in Medina, and it witnesses a remarkable turnout from visitors, and it is located within the Al-Manakha Market area, which the Medina Municipality is currently preparing to study its revival. Various tourist activities.

Selection Criteria

iv. to be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history

State of Preservation
Well preserved


Commission of Tourism and Heritage