

Property Name: Palace of Partal
Inventory No: 34-958-6
Date of infill of the inventory form: 2007-10-30
Country (State party): Spain
Province: Granada
Geographic coordinates: 38° 53′ 51.67″ N
3° 3′ 0.74″ W
Historic Period: Nasrid
Year of Construction: 14th century
Style: Moorish
Original Use: Palace
Current Use: Museum
Architect: Unknown

The Palace of Partal is one of the oldest buildings in Alhambra, which was built in the early 14th century during the reign of Muhammad III. Only two components of the palace, the Torre de las Damas and the adjacent Torre del Mihrab are preserved and they are ornamented with finely carved stucco.

Selection Criteria
v. to be an outstanding example of a traditional human settlement, land-use, or sea-use which is representative of a culture (or cultures), or human interaction with the environment especially when it has become vulnerable under the impact of irreversible change

State of Preservation
From the original Palace of Partal, there are only two structures preserved which are the Torre de las Damas, with its tower overlooking the landscape and an arcade opening onto a wide pool; and the Torre del Mihrab, which was built by Yusuf I as a small garden oratory with a mihrab. These two components are basically preserved well.

Antequera, Marino, Die Alhambra und Der Generalife. Verlagsantal, Granada, Spain, 1966
Competition for ideas, Patronato De La Alhmabra Y Generalife, Granada, 1988
Hattstein, Markus and Delius, Peter. Islam Art and Architecture. Könemann. Cologne, 2000
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