Property Name: Talkhatan Baba Mosque
Inventory No: 993-522-2
Date of infill of the inventory form: 2008-06-26
Country (State party): Turkmenistan
Province: Merv
Geographic coordinates: 37° 36′ 14.86″ N
62° 13′ 4.27″ E
Historic Period: Seljuk
Year of Construction: Beginning of 12th century
Style: Seljuk
Original Use: Mosque
Current Use: Mosque
Architect: Unknown
The mosque is situated in a place called “Talgatan” in the Middle Ages. It is an outstanding mosque, not only with its plan scheme but also with its brick craftsmanship and the geometric-floral compositions of its decorations.
Selection Criteria
vi. to be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance
State of Preservation
Most parts of the monument are preserved. The mosque was under restoration in 1987-89. During this work, the ruined part of the dome was restored and the surroundings of the mosque were renovated.
Prochazka, Amdjad Bohumil, Khawarizm: an unknown civilization between the Caspian and the Aral Sea, Muslim Architecture Research Program, Jeddah, 1990.
Rossi-Osmida, Gabriele. Turkmenistan Environment, History, Monuments, Etnography and the Aral Sea, Centro Studi Ricerche Ligabue, Rome, Turkmenistan 1996
Sayan, Yüksel. Türkmenistan’daki mimari eserler: XI-XVI Yüzyıl (Architectural Monuments in Turkmenistan: 11-16th centuries), Kültür Bakanlığı, Ankara, 1999