Property Name: Tomb of Sultan Muhammad Thakurufaanu
Inventory No: 960-331-5
Date of infill of the inventory form: 2009-09-02
Country (State party): Maldives
Province: Malé
Geographic coordinates: 4° 10′ 42.65″ N
73° 31′ 35.08″ E
Historic Period: 16th century, 2nd half
Year of Construction: Unknown
Original Use: Mausoleum
Current Use: Mausoleum
Architect: Unknown
The Mohammed Thakurufaanu Tomb is erected for the memory of the greatest hero in Maldives, Sultan Ghaazee Mohammed Thakurufaanu who liberated the country from Portuguese rule. It is located in the back streets in the middle of the town. It stands on the boundries of a small mosque but it is a significant property fo Malé.
Selection Criteria
vi. to be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance
State of Preservation
Well Preserved
Photograph : Google Street View